Whether you are traveling by plane, bus, train, or by car; you know that making sure you have all the necessities can make packing for a trip stressful. Not to mention all of those fun finds that make the travel there and back much more enjoyable. And we won't even begin to discuss those things you always seem to forget but don't realize it until you have already made it to your destination. And, adding the fact that you are blind or vision impaired to the mix just makes things a little more interesting.
First thing's first, for those who haven't traveled by plane before but want to, here are a few things to keep in mind when planning a trip. Regardless of whether you are blind or vision impaired, the following applies to both. And, if I miss something that you have found helpful to do or buy when traveling, please share in the comments section below this blog post.
Making Travel Arrangements
*Booking Trips In Advance will save you money. Not to mention, when you book ahead, you are more likely to find better time slots along with those special deals on trips.
*Arrange Special Accommodations with airlines, bus lines, or what ever you may be using to travel to and from destinations.
*Don't Expect Special Treatment just because you are blind or vision impaired. This sounds insensitive to say (or in this case, type) but it's something to remember when traveling. Yes, we may require "special" accommodations. However, special treatment isn't part of those accommodations. I feel this is important to note because too many blind and vision impaired people seem to get the two confused too often. We aren't any better than any one else. We just need a little more assistance at times with certain things while traveling.
Upon Arrival
*Arrange your transportation ahead of time. Don't wait till the last minute to try and figure out how you will be getting around while away from home in another city or state. Be proactive and arrange transportation and trips as far in advance as you can from the scheduled date of your trip.
*Know where you will be staying and inform them of your specific needs as a visiting guest with blindness. Whether you are staying at a hotel, resort, cabin, etc., if you have specific needs, requests, or just want to ask questions about where you will be staying, be sure to contact whom ever it is you need to for that. Also, if it's possible, make the time to acclimate yourself to your surroundings and lodging area. It's always a good idea to have a mental map of your surroundings so you know how to get around with minimal to no help,
*Be accommodating. That's right. Just because you require accommodations shouldn't mean you aren't able to be accommodating. Meaning, do your best to compromise when it's called for or needed. If things don't go 100% your way, try to figure out other alternatives and be willing to make last minute changes if possible. This will make things easier for all who are involved.
*Speak up: Be sure to inform those around you of your specific needs with regards to your blindness. And, let them know how they are able to help and assist you. As well as showing gratitude and remaining humble when the help is offered. We aren't entitled to receive help from anyone specifically. However, when it's offered I for one will express that I am grateful for the help.
Now that we've covered the basics when traveling with a vision impairment or blindness, we can move on the the fun stuff, all of the cool travel items you never knew you needed until you tried them. That's what I am here to bring you. I did all of the hard work and searched for countless hours in order to find you all of the cool stuff I have either used, or plan to use when traveling in the near future. If this sounds like something you'd be interested in checking out. I will leave all of my affiliated links below, If you have any questions about any of the items I have shared, please do not hesitate to reach out via email. Or, by leaving a comment with your question below.

I like to leave this reminder that all links are my personal affiliate links. Please do your own research on items you are thinking of purchasing in order to make a decision on whether or not that item is right or will work for you. I am only sharing links to items that I have taken the time to review. As well as sharing links to items I have personally purchased and used.
Disclaimer: I hold no liability or responsibility by suggesting items listed below. It is your choice whether or not to purchase anything that is suggested on my blog.
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